Statement Of Faith

Bible is the sole rule of faith and practice.Bible teach how to walk before God as being born again people.Bible is the only God's prophetic word.Humans are sinners who need salvation;and that salvation is a personal decision that can't ne forced on anyone.Sinners are safe through the blood of Jesus Christ.Salvation is achieved by faith alone in Christ without the need for good works.Salvation is found only in Christ by faith who died on the cross.Gospel of Jesus is the only peace for all mankind on this earth. 

People are accountable before God.All man will judge by God.God will give reward to all men.All believers are the  priest of God both men and women.To preach the good news to every nations of the world,make disciples and the end will come.To plant more churches among the unreach communities by proclaiming the good news.We believe Christ second coming.Believe the final judgement of God;millennium kingdom of God will come soon and our heavenly Father will reign for ever and ever.


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