About Us

It's a  ministry focusing among the unreach different communities in the North East regions of India where Meitei live and Manipuri speaking communities such as Nepali,Pangal,Cachari,Manipuri Bishnupriya,Zemei,Rongmei Hindus & other communities who live near by Meitei community in the valleys and in the hills of Manipur,Assam,Tripura,Bangladesh and Myanmar. We want to see different churches,fellowships and prayer cell groups to plant  among these people groups by  preaching out the Gospel as our Lord Jesus command.Also we train our people like  pastors,missionaries,evanglists,christian leaders and lay leaders to become a faithful Christian workers and church planters by preaching out the gospel among the unreach different community groups of the North East regions of India.

I am going out fifteen to twenty days in every month for the said purpose to fulfill our vision and goals for the ministry.Therefore,constantly pray for us to preach out the gospel and plant more churches in different areas of our mission fields.We work together as take partners with like minded mission,churches and families around the world.

We always praying for God's provision to meet the needs for the ministries to achieve more goals in the near future.And we need more of your prayer for our ministry.


Rev.Dr.Hemanta Yambem.

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