

Warm  greetings and welcome you all to our Imphal City Evangelical Centre Church in the name of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.ICECC focus in the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ and preaching the gospel to the Meitei and other unreach different communities in Imphal City,inside Manipur and who live outside of our state;we work together as a team ministry.We do not only preach the Gospel to the  people groups, but also share charity to them in times of needs and hunger as we live together. Though the people group persecute,despise and oppose we still  love,concern and has big burden for them;rather praying for them to know the truth of God and bless them abundantly with their children.We try our best to make them happy and to live a comfortable life with all the different community.Therefore,we urges to all our believers,families and friends to pray together to help each other and support our ICECC ministry in witnessing the Gospel for the extension of God's kingdom. 

God bless you all.

In Him,

Rev.Dr.Hemanta Yambem and family.



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